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Like plastic surgery, aesthetic dentistry is not just about appearance. Often, in addition to correct some 'defects' physical, the correction will also serve as your physical and mental health.

Dentistry includes specialties such as orthodontics and surgery and various clinics do not offer all the same services. It is important to first consult your regular dentist to be directed to the professional that can best meet your choice of cosmetic dentistry.

Teeth Whitening

Tooth whitening is a procedure increasingly popular. Prior to any treatment, it is best to discuss with the dentist at a future visit. It must first clean your teeth and make sure you have no caries or defective restorations. It can then determine why your teeth are not as white as before, a crucial stage of treatment success.

Several causes can cause a discoloration of the teeth. First, the teeth can be covered with an accumulation of plaque and tartar. These deposits stain if you frequently drink coffee, tea, red wine, or if she smokes. A simple cleaning and polishing may be sufficient to remove surface stains. However, sometimes the color is housed in the enamel and dentin of the teeth.

Whitening at Home: :
Under the supervision of a dentist, you can whiten your teeth at home. Before treatment, the dentist takes an impression of the teeth to make a plastic tray that fits into the teeth of the person. This groove serves to retain a liquid to be applied to whiten teeth. The person should wear the splint during the day or night. The treatment lasts about two weeks or the time required to obtain satisfactory results if the stain is stubborn. Side effects are tooth sensitivity and / or gum irritation. Tooth sensitivity usually disappears when stopping treatment. The dentist may prescribe fluoride neutral or a special toothpaste, such as Sensodyne, if it happened that the sensitivity remains.

Whitening to the dentist: :
People who do not want to do treatment at home can opt for a money made by the dentist in the office. The dentist teeth isolates and protects the gums with a protective gel or rubber dam. It applies a first bleach the teeth for several minutes. He wipes the product and then made a second application. It is usually necessary to repeat these steps 3-4 times during one session. This procedure takes 30 to 60 minutes. It is possible that more than one session is required.

Chewing gums and whitening toothpastes: :
All toothpastes help remove surface stains on teeth, because they contain mild abrasives. Some toothpastes 'white' contain chemicals or abrasives that are more effective than others to remove stains but no acts on the natural color of teeth, like chewing gum bleaching.

Whitening products counter: :
There are several whitening products over the counter. Although it is tempting to try them, because of the price and simplicity of the process, it is best to seek advice from the dentist. It will tell you if what you need and what products you recommend. 


Crown and Bridge

When a tooth is too damaged to be repaired through a partial restoration, the dentist must cover it with a crown to prevent further damage. The crown is a recovery or an artificial replacement of the visible part of a tooth. It can be used for broken teeth, teeth that have been repaired using a root canal or to cover teeth that have undergone large fillings. They can also correct the wrong position, shape, occlusion (the distance between the teeth) and the color of a tooth.
The crown covers a tooth that is present in the mouth. The bridge serves to replace one or more missing teeth and is anchored to adjacent teeth. The fixed bridge and crown are held through a cement.
The crown and bridge can be made of porcelain, metal alloy with a collection of porcelain or gold alloy only.

It is important to replace one or more missing teeth to improve appearance, but also to maintain dental health. On the one hand, the remaining natural teeth are under more pressure during chewing. On the other hand, they have space to move in the absence of adjacent teeth or opposing. This movement can cause alignment problems of the teeth and closing between the teeth of upper and lower jaws.


Veneers and inlays

In some cases, a crown is not required to restore the appearance or function of a damaged tooth. In this case, the dentist will use a veneer or inlay to correct the problem.
Veneers are used to make corrections on the aesthetic front teeth. Veneers are literally glued to the visible surface of the tooth. A facet placed and correct the shape, color or eliminate areas with adjacent teeth.

The inlays can replace conventional amalgam fillings or resin composite. The size of a dental cavity in the tooth, according to specific criteria, makes an impression, send it to a laboratory and cements the veneer or inlay in a subsequent appointment.



Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that focuses on the development, diagnosis, prevention and correction of abnormal position of teeth and dental malocclusion in a functional and aesthetic purpose. The orthodondiste detects or corrects, using fixed or removable corrective appliances, such events of positioning or aligning teeth and jaws.

The main problems can be corrected with orthodontic treatment are :

•An upper or lower jaw projected forward too.
• A chin too far back.
• A smile that shows too much gum above the teeth of the upper jaw.
• Too much space between teeth or teeth that overlap.
• The lips do not close completely, even at rest.
• A figure too elongated.
• Asymmetry of the mouth.
• A cleft palate (congenital malformation of the palate).

Teeth and misaligned jaws can cause functional problems that can contribute to tooth decay and development of gum disease and, in extreme cases, loss of teeth. Teeth and misaligned jaws, which do not fit well together, make chewing less effective. This can cause excessive wear of the teeth, jaw pain, head, neck and facial muscles. Finally, the aesthetic is far from negligible.

It's never too late to begin treatment. Today, adults make up 20 to 25% of customers. Except in cases where growth is a major factor of success, the orthodontist leaves the patient choose the best time to begin treatment.
Depending on the required treatment, the orthodontist may prescribe the wearing of pins, retaining devices or other devices to measure. They can be fixed or movable, metal, plastic or ceramic. The duration of treatment varies depending on the problem to correct, but the port equipment usually lasts one to three years.

Orthodontic problems can be treated in several ways

The braces
The splint is the primary tool for orthodontic treatment. More commonly known as 'pin', it consists of four elements:

1. anchoring or metal ring that attaches to each tooth
2. the glue that attaches the bracket to each tooth
3. son attached to the anchor points
4. the elastic or metal ties that hold up son

Most anchors and rings are made of metal, but brackets are transparent and elastic, the color of teeth or colors.
Your dentist or orthodontist may recommend other treatments before, during or after the installation of braces or even other types of treatment that does not include braces to correct your orthodontic problem.

The extra-oral anchorage
The extra-oral anchorage guide teeth and jaws of a growing child. It can be worn before braces are put in place or at any time of orthodontic treatment. There are various types of anchoring. The patient puts in place, and most of the time, the door the evening and night.

Removable appliances
Removable appliances are not as precise as braces, but they can move one or more teeth. These can be worn:

  • before braces are put in place
  • together with braces
  • their own to treat specific orthodontic problems

Retainers keep your teeth in place after braces have been removed. They may be removable or fixed teeth. Your dentist or orthodontist will tell you if you need to bring your camera at all times or only part of the day.

Oral surgery
Tooth removal may be necessary if one or more teeth overlap or are very bad position.
When the volume or position of the upper and lower jaws do not match at all, maxillofacial surgery (or orthognathic surgery) may improve the situation. It allows a better relationship between the jaws.
If your orthodontist thinks surgery is best for you, it will return you to a specialist in oral surgery and maxillofacial surgery.